Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb. 16th Temple Mount, Dome of the Rock, More Old City etc.


Again, it’s overwhelming how many things I have seen and how much I still will have to show you when I get back!

Today, we started the day by going to the Dome of the Rock. This is the 3rd holiest site for Muslims because of the rock that is housed there. This picture is up close at the dome and then the next shows it father away from the Mount of Olives, which in Christian tradition is where Jesus is supposed to return from. I couldn’t enter the dome because I’m not Muslim. However, the rock there is not only important to Muslim but Jews as well.
1.      Why is this rock important to Jews? Why is it important to Muslims?

This statue is of the disciple of Jesus who denied him, Peter. Judas, was the betrayer, basically he sold Jesus out. We will learn a little about the disciples when we learn about Christianity, which started during the time of the Roman Empire. At first, Christianity was met with lots of adversity, however it was later legalized in the Roman Empire.
2. So what language is written on the statue?

The area where Jesus was born is called Bethlehem. This area is technically part of Israel, but is highly contested so when we went to the Church of the Nativity, we had to be searched by soldiers with M16s when we left. Basically, there is a large wall surrounding this area not allowing the people who live here to leave. It's a very rough political situation and I will try my best to explain more about it to you when I get back. The picture below shows the wall that surrounds the entire area.
3. What is this contested area called?

This is one of my favorite churchs - The Church of all Nations. I will tell you more about it when I get back too, but this area picture shows America's seal in the ceiling.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb. 15th - The Old City of Jerusalem

Typically, when we think of Jerusalem, we think of the old city. This is where we spend the day today.

Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is the site of the crucifixion of Jesus, we were able to see many different sects of Christianity. Some sects claim that this area is also the site where Jesus was buried but many believe that it was much father outside the old city of Jerusalem. One sect that can be found here uses many icons, which is something we will learn about later. This Eastern Orthodox section is close to the area that many Christians claim that the cross of Jesus stood.

One of the most iconic images of the day was when our group walked down to the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall.

1.The Wailing Wall is what is remaining of what religions’ temple?
2. The gold dome on top is sacred to what religion?

3. These six Stars of David are candles near the Wailing Wall that commemorate a significant event that happened to the Jewish between 1939 and 1945. What is that event?

Lastly, for the day - this red mailbox is a reminant of the nation that occupied Israel before the revolution for independence.

4. What country occupied Israel before 1948?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 14th - Tel of Megiddo, Ceasarea, ending the day in Jerusalem

Today we went to the Tel of Megiddo which is a large man made hillside. This area has been excavated down to levels that have been there since the Canaanites were there. This area can be traced back almost 3000 years. 

Megiddo is a Tel, which means hill. However, it’s man-made. So if men make these hills, how do you think they are made? Think, they are made over centuries…
1.So how does this happen? How do you think this man made hills are created?

This map is an ancient map showing antiquity. The large body of water to the left of the map would be what body of water? The body of water to the right is the Persian Gulf – 
2. What two rivers flow into the Gulf (think Mesopotamia)?

This is a silo that was used to store grain in Megiddo.  This is part of Solomon’s temple complex, who was an important Jewish king. This area was controlled by the Canaanites, then the Jews.

This structure is how the Roman’s brought water to their villages and towns. Arches are the reason that Romans are able to build most everywhere. These architectural features make the aqueducts very strong.  Hence, this one has been here for almost 2000 years.

This aqueduct flows next to the sea at Ceasarea. The sea, that most ancient people believe was the middle of the world is behind me. Remember, this is still in Israel. This city was part of the Roman Empire but still in the Middle East.
3.What is the name of the sea?

Lastly, this moat is from a castle that was built during the Crusader period in Israel.  This is a period we will talk about later in class. 
4. Who was fighting during the Crusades?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feb. 13th Tiberius, Sea of Galilee

Last night, as well as tonight, I am staying in the town of Tiberius. This town dates back to Roman times, hence the name. Tiberius was a Roman Emperor that we will later mention in class. Today, I travelled around the Sea of Galilee, which is where in Christian tradition, many of the miracles of Jesus were performed.

Here is a picture of the Sea of Galilee.

1.A very famous river that is important to the Hebrews runs into this river. What river is it? It runs into the Dead Sea.

This picture is of the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. Peter was one of Jesus apostles. He was the first leader of the Christian Church.
2.What is this leader called?

During my travels today, I drove by an Arab Israeli town, which means the residents are not Jewish, like most people in Israel are, but Muslim. This town is called Tur'an. The tall towers are called minarets.

3.What type of church would they be found on?

More pictures and travels later!

Hope you have a good week at school! :)

Feb. 12th Jericho, Bet She'an and more

Sorry that you guys have been hearing so little from me. I have been having a few internet issues so I am doing posted for yesterday and today (today, Sunday Feb. 13th)

One of the most interesting things that we saw yesterday was a town of Bet She'an.
This town has been under control of the Greeks, Jews, Persians, Alexander, Romans and eventually Ottomans. The site has been excavated and there is a Greek amphitheatre that dates back over 200 years.

1.      These columns, which you will probably learn about this week while I am gone are what kind of columns?

2. This building in Bet She’an was an amphitheatre. What kind of things would have gone on In a Greek amphitheatre? Why do you think they chose to build these building in hillsides?

3. When Alexander took over Bet She’an in 333 B.C.  he took it out of Jewish hands. Who was his father and what land had his father taken over? ( This is something you learned in class)

Please note, it’s hard for me to upload many pictures but I will be letting you see more when I return!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Feb. 11th - Jericho

I've arrived in Tel Aviv.If you were wondering why you did not heard from me on Thursday, it's because the whole day was spent travelling. I flew over night from New Jersey to Tel Aviv. Currently I am in Jericho, which is in Palestine. It's almost 9 pm local time which means that for you guys, it's only about 2 pm.

I've had dinner and will probably be going to bed fairly soon. Tomorrow will be a busy day.

I do so far have a few pictures and questions for you.

First, the airport in Tel Aviv.

1. What do you think the languages are and why do you think all three are needed in this airport in Israel?

A few of you were wondering about my meals. Well this is what I had this evening for dinner, probably around the time most of you were eating lunch.

2.When we arrived in Jericho this evening, a man told us of a huge world event that happened today. It's happened right here in the Middle East. Can you explain to me what happened today.
This picture shows me reading an Arabic language newspaper in Jericho - which again is part of Palestine.

Please email me with you answer and hopefully I will have a much longer post with more pictures tomorrow!

Have a good weekend!