Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb. 15th - The Old City of Jerusalem

Typically, when we think of Jerusalem, we think of the old city. This is where we spend the day today.

Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is the site of the crucifixion of Jesus, we were able to see many different sects of Christianity. Some sects claim that this area is also the site where Jesus was buried but many believe that it was much father outside the old city of Jerusalem. One sect that can be found here uses many icons, which is something we will learn about later. This Eastern Orthodox section is close to the area that many Christians claim that the cross of Jesus stood.

One of the most iconic images of the day was when our group walked down to the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall.

1.The Wailing Wall is what is remaining of what religions’ temple?
2. The gold dome on top is sacred to what religion?

3. These six Stars of David are candles near the Wailing Wall that commemorate a significant event that happened to the Jewish between 1939 and 1945. What is that event?

Lastly, for the day - this red mailbox is a reminant of the nation that occupied Israel before the revolution for independence.

4. What country occupied Israel before 1948?

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