Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feb. 12th Jericho, Bet She'an and more

Sorry that you guys have been hearing so little from me. I have been having a few internet issues so I am doing posted for yesterday and today (today, Sunday Feb. 13th)

One of the most interesting things that we saw yesterday was a town of Bet She'an.
This town has been under control of the Greeks, Jews, Persians, Alexander, Romans and eventually Ottomans. The site has been excavated and there is a Greek amphitheatre that dates back over 200 years.

1.      These columns, which you will probably learn about this week while I am gone are what kind of columns?

2. This building in Bet She’an was an amphitheatre. What kind of things would have gone on In a Greek amphitheatre? Why do you think they chose to build these building in hillsides?

3. When Alexander took over Bet She’an in 333 B.C.  he took it out of Jewish hands. Who was his father and what land had his father taken over? ( This is something you learned in class)

Please note, it’s hard for me to upload many pictures but I will be letting you see more when I return!

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