Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feb. 13th Tiberius, Sea of Galilee

Last night, as well as tonight, I am staying in the town of Tiberius. This town dates back to Roman times, hence the name. Tiberius was a Roman Emperor that we will later mention in class. Today, I travelled around the Sea of Galilee, which is where in Christian tradition, many of the miracles of Jesus were performed.

Here is a picture of the Sea of Galilee.

1.A very famous river that is important to the Hebrews runs into this river. What river is it? It runs into the Dead Sea.

This picture is of the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. Peter was one of Jesus apostles. He was the first leader of the Christian Church.
2.What is this leader called?

During my travels today, I drove by an Arab Israeli town, which means the residents are not Jewish, like most people in Israel are, but Muslim. This town is called Tur'an. The tall towers are called minarets.

3.What type of church would they be found on?

More pictures and travels later!

Hope you have a good week at school! :)

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